6:43 PM

Tell us about your blog name. Where did it come from?

Well, I have written about this before.
I had the wonderful opportunity of guest posting over at Give A Girl A Blog last year, which is written by the awesome Kellie!! She had asked me this same question and I thought I'd leave you with an excerpt from that particular post in relation to this prompt...

"Once I’d decided to start up a blog (and that is another story in itself), the first thing I did was brainstorm a HEAP of names. I wanted something that described me and how I view the way life is and should be. When visiting my blog, people will read about a whole plethora of topics; they will see what I’m doing, how I’m feeling, what I love right now, my creative endeavours, things about my family...basically everything that makes up my life is what my blog is about. So the name needed to form a broad banner over my blog. And be catchy too.
Sunshine makes me feel happy and who wouldn’t want their life filled with sunshiny happiness!?! So that had to be in the name somewhere. you know the movies that show scenes where a distinguished, kinda posh woman asks the waiter for ‘a white wine spritzer thunk you dahh-ling’ ? – I delightfully swanky does that scenario sound! And I’ve always thought that sounded like such a delicious fancy drink. It sounds sparkly, bubbly and fun.  Definitely a drink I would like – Spritz my wine anytime babe-ey! LOL!
[Yeah, I have a warped way of thinking hey!?! I know! ;-) ]
I like to view life in an upbeat, positive fashion and I hope to impart that energy onto those that read my blog and give someone, somewhere some sparkle in their life.
And so...
One Big Sunshine Spritzer was born.
At the end of my life when people are farewelling me from this earth, I would like them to be able to raise their glass – hopefully filled with the aforementioned beverage ;-) – and say... “She made life one big sunshine spritzer!” chink chink"
You can read the whole guest post HERE - it was actually quite fun reading back on it :-)

With Sprinkles of Sunshine...


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